Call for Poster Abstracts : Abstract submission is now closed.
Accepted Abstracts
Poster Session (by Registration No. order) revised on Nov. 4th
Poster Session (by Poster No. order) revised on Nov. 4th
Instruction for Poster Presentation 
The best papers will be selected for oral presentation based on the poster presentation.
- Epidemiology of HCV
- Molecular Biology of HCV
- Pathogenesis of HCV
- Immunology of HCV
- Treatment of HCV
- Pathogenesis of HCV-associated HCC
- Diagnosis and Treatment of HCV-associated HCC
- Hepatitis C in Liver Transplantation
- HCV Co-infection
- Others
Award: Travel Award, Young Investigator Award
Presentation Style: Poster Presentation
*Excellent papers will be selected for oral presentation and/or awarded.
Instructions for online abstract submission:
You will be required to fill in the below items in the following order:
- Name of the first author. Do not forget to check the box asking if the 1st author is also the presenter.
- First author’s contact details.
- First author’s institution.
- Name of the institution(s) to which the other authors are affiliated.
- Names of the co-authors, if any. Check the box if any of the co-authors is the presenter.
- Title of abstract. Word count is restricted to 30 words.
- The abstract body, excepting the title, authors and their institutions, may not exceed 400 words.
- If you apply for any awards, please input which award will you apply for. *Recipients of the Young Investigator Award should be under 40 years of age.
- Your password (between 6 to 8 characters)
For inquiry, please contact the secretariat
Secretariat,The 10th JSH Single Topic Conference
c/o K-Convention Co., Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-5367-2382 Fax: +81-3-5367-2187